Further Essentials

Pecon News
Latest news and updates from the Pecon world.
Continuing Professional Development “Steer and Consult Groups in Organizations” starts again in June 2020 in Pecon-Akademie!
The training is certified by the DGGO (German Association for Group Dynamics & Organizational Dynamics) and takes place over a period of about two years. A more detailed description of the next course can be found here.
For further information and registration: please click

Pecon-Net was formed in 1998, and we have been working together with a number of our customers and clients for many years. This “relationship loyalty” is one of our key strengths. We are glad to have gained the trust of a consistently increasing number of clients during this time.
Here is a selection of our business partners:
Anti-Germ International GmbH
Arburg GmbH und Co. KG
AstraZeneca GmbH
Baden-Württembergischer Genossenschaftsverband e.V.
Daimler AG
Daimler Protics GmbH
Deutsche ACCUMOTIVE GmbH & Co. KG
Daimler Buses EvoBus GmbH
Deutsche Bahn AG
Europäische Kommission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, Brüssel
Evonik Industries AG
Frauenhaus Mannheim e.V.
Freiburger Verkehrs AG
Freudenberg Stiftung
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
HeidelbergCement AG
Heinrich Georg GmbH
Kalaidos Fachhoschule Wirtschaft AG
Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft
Merck KGaA
Mansfelder Kupfer und Messing GmbH
Provinzial Versicherung AG
Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH
SMS group GmbH
Stadt Stuttgart
Umicore AG & C. KG
Vescon Automotive GmbH

Pecon Next
Pecon-Net GmbH has been around for more than 20 years now – are we getting old?
We see the danger of familiarity and getting stuck in our habits, so we endeavour to expand our network again and again with younger colleagues who can keep us ‘old-stagers’ on our toes with insights and themes that their elders never even dreamt of.
We enjoy benefiting from our younger colleagues’ spontaneity and playfulness, and find room on a regular basis to involve them in their own way in developing new concepts, running joint training sessions, and taking part in customer acquisitions.
This is how we ensure an intergenerational exchange: our older and more experienced colleagues are always enthused, excited and refreshed, while the ‘wild young ones’ benefit from the experience and wisdom of age.

Pecon International
In addition to being able to conduct all our offers and activities in English, we have for many years been an active presence working internationally across Europe, in Asia and in North and South America.
International offers are usually delivered in the first instance by our local partner network. This saves our customers expensive travel costs while making the most of our network’s regional and cultural competence.
We ensure all our international partners work in close co-operation with our Head Office, to guarantee that our local quality standards are maintained and delivered internationally.
Our international network is represented in the following countries:
- Mexico
- Brazil
- South Korea
- Switzerland
- Austria
- United Kingdom
- France
- China